Name/Title: Shadz Loresco, Demand Generation Content Specialist
Home office: Pangasinan, Philippines
Family and pets: I recently moved back to my parents’ house with my cat, Brigid. I have a younger sister who used to be my roommate in Manila, but she is now based abroad.
Start date at Thrive: September 14, 2020
How did you get started with Content Writing?
I was one of those kids who knew as early as 11 years old what they wanted to become, and that for me was ‘a writer’. In particular, writing for brands and businesses came naturally when I decided to marry my artsy side with my analytical side.
What do you love about working for Thrive so far?
Thrive’s environment is supportive and collaborative. I enjoy honing my craft here while contributing to my team and the company’s success.
When you’re not at work, how do you spend your time?
My friends and I like to visit new places, go on day hikes, and do yoga – things we are missing now. But don’t let that fool you. There’s nothing I love more than staying indoors and watching deeply cathartic films or series.
If you could turn anything into an Olympic sport, what would you have a good chance of winning a gold medal for?
Fussing over travel itinerary details
What would be your karaoke go-to song and what setting would we likely find you singing it in?
One Republic’s ‘I Lived’. But you’d only find me singing in front of closest family and friends.
If you could be any character from any book or movie, who would you be?
The Lady Door from ‘Neverwhere’
Where did you grow up and what is special about that place?
My hometown in Pangasinan is close to the city and the mountains and beaches, so you get the best of both worlds growing up.
If you were in a room with three billionaires, what would you ask them and why?
‘What’s your growth strategy?’ It would be great to hear some pointers about how to build and manage assets that could last generations.
If you could invite three people to dinner (dead or alive), who would be at the table and why?
That would be Eve Ensler, Lin-Manuel Miranda, and Steve Wozniak. Just to gather some of my favorite adults in one room, feeling their stories and energy.
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